
Monday, July 18, 2011

P.S. I Love You.

He and she made for each other,  two halves of one whole, which, after living in a perfect harmony a long and happy life could die in  peace in one day. But the destiny disposes of another, and soon she is a widow. But even after a death of her husband leaves his beloved wife: he left her in advance of seven letters, which should help it survive the loss. Each ends with a postscript: "I love You".


My opinion:
Despite the death of one of the main characters, the film makes no sorrow, on the contrary it shows that you need to live on, to move on. In order to make it easier to cope with the rub have friends, people who in spite all of your madness will be with you. And, of course, the idea simply magical. But I think it's more like a reminder that the departed soul is always close by and still support you.
And... P.S. Check out this movie:)                                                                      

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