
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Memoirs Of Geisha.

Lovely little girl from a poor Japanese family sent to a service in a geisha house. Over the years, beautiful blooms and knows all the mysteries of the profession. The most influential men become prisoners of the famous geisha named Sayyuri, which reached perfection in his art.

But at the heart Sayyuri warm love to, over which her charms have no control. The secret of his passionate love she trusts only the diary pages ...


My opinion:
Memoirs of a Geisha - not just a movie. It is an art.
Do you like moving into that world peace Sayyuri. When watching you admire not only the beauty of dance, costumes, and one is struck by the situation in which the main character.
Love in this film is presented so subtly, so subtly, although the main feeling.
I believe this film should look. It will not harm your mind, but make sense how important love is. 

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