
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Harry Potter.

I think that it unnecessary to tell what about these movies.


My opinion:                                                                               
I think it's really  great that Joan K. Rowling created these books. From childhood till the end of Harry, Ron and Hermione are together, just as we, the readers.
With the first three books I had met in elementary school, it was a birthday gift. At first I was not particularly impressed, but once I started reading, could not stop! Then, gradually, I became acquainted with other books and movies. Every time I happy with this tale.
And then came the moment when it was over ...
This wonderful story, I think, tells not only of the magic wand and invisibility cloak, as well as teaching you to love, appreciate your friends. This story grows with you, as well as her heroes.
I understand that many, and without my advice, watch this movie and read the books, but still can not write about them. Each person on the planet should be acquainted with J.K Rowling and her magical world!

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