
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Memoirs Of Geisha.

Lovely little girl from a poor Japanese family sent to a service in a geisha house. Over the years, beautiful blooms and knows all the mysteries of the profession. The most influential men become prisoners of the famous geisha named Sayyuri, which reached perfection in his art.

But at the heart Sayyuri warm love to, over which her charms have no control. The secret of his passionate love she trusts only the diary pages ...


My opinion:
Memoirs of a Geisha - not just a movie. It is an art.
Do you like moving into that world peace Sayyuri. When watching you admire not only the beauty of dance, costumes, and one is struck by the situation in which the main character.
Love in this film is presented so subtly, so subtly, although the main feeling.
I believe this film should look. It will not harm your mind, but make sense how important love is. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Shawshank Redemption.

Shawshank - the name of the prison. And if you do not have another 30 years, and you get a life, prepare for the worst: for you out of the Redemption will not be!

Actress Rita Hayworth - the favorite of all America. Andy Dyufreynu she also liked. Rita had never heard of the existence of Andy, but life Dyufreynu, former vice-president of a major bank, convicted of killing his wife and her lover, Rita Hayworth still saved.


My opinion:
Fear - it is shackled. Hope - it's free.
I agree with this statement, as well as protagonist Andy. He knew that hope will save the man. But he also knew that hope without action is immaterial. You never will achieve the heights of lying on the couch, and consoled yourself with the thought: "I hope and it's fine."
The film is worth watching. He opens your eyes to life, talks about the weaknesses of the people on masks they wear. If you disturb the interests of another, you will crush ... I think this film is a law of nature: "A strong kill the weak." Only here is presented as false and true strength. Andy was truly a strong man who valued his family, his life and his time ...
I admit, there were those moments that brings tears.
And if this film did not receive an Oscar (he received seven nominations), then obtain the product should be truly beautiful.                                                                       

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Harry Potter.

I think that it unnecessary to tell what about these movies.


My opinion:                                                                               
I think it's really  great that Joan K. Rowling created these books. From childhood till the end of Harry, Ron and Hermione are together, just as we, the readers.
With the first three books I had met in elementary school, it was a birthday gift. At first I was not particularly impressed, but once I started reading, could not stop! Then, gradually, I became acquainted with other books and movies. Every time I happy with this tale.
And then came the moment when it was over ...
This wonderful story, I think, tells not only of the magic wand and invisibility cloak, as well as teaching you to love, appreciate your friends. This story grows with you, as well as her heroes.
I understand that many, and without my advice, watch this movie and read the books, but still can not write about them. Each person on the planet should be acquainted with J.K Rowling and her magical world!

Monday, July 18, 2011

P.S. I Love You.

He and she made for each other,  two halves of one whole, which, after living in a perfect harmony a long and happy life could die in  peace in one day. But the destiny disposes of another, and soon she is a widow. But even after a death of her husband leaves his beloved wife: he left her in advance of seven letters, which should help it survive the loss. Each ends with a postscript: "I love You".


My opinion:
Despite the death of one of the main characters, the film makes no sorrow, on the contrary it shows that you need to live on, to move on. In order to make it easier to cope with the rub have friends, people who in spite all of your madness will be with you. And, of course, the idea simply magical. But I think it's more like a reminder that the departed soul is always close by and still support you.
And... P.S. Check out this movie:)                                                                      

Eat, Pray, Love.

A married woman, Elizabeth Gilbert, one day realizes that he lived quite the life that she wanted. After a painful divorce, she embarks on a journey around the world to help her open up new horizons and to know herself.

My opinion:
Simply, beautifully, of course. This film makes the smile, be happy! Julia Roberts awesome!
On this film a lot to say and just smile, so I advise to watch:)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Black Swan

The subject is built around the prima ballet, which has suddenly appeared a dangerous competitor, able to take away from the main characters all the parties. The rivalry intensified with the approach of the responsible speech, which should solve everything.


My opinion:
I believe that the Black Swan is one of the best psychological thrillers I've watched. In this film there is a storyline, intrigue and passion. The cast is also pleased. Natalie Portman brilliantly coped with her role, just like Vincent Cassel and Mila Kunis. So this film is worth seeing.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Step Up 3D

Some are learning to dance, other are born to it. LukŠµ is looking for dancers for their team, "Pirates". At the end, he found Elk that came to NYU and Natalie, a mysterious dancer who never looses. Will they be able to beat the world's best dancers?


My opinion:
I think that each person should watch this film.
First: dance. It's exciting to be given to dance, to live with it! Feel the music.
Second: the actors expertly handled by their performance.
Third: even the dance film is not without drama, so there's also intrigue and love.
Fourth: all lovers of dance music will like the soundtrack.
I can list a lot more then, but I will confine Four-bedded reasons for which you should watch this film!                                                                                                                          

Friday, July 8, 2011

Julie & Julia

The film tells about secretary Julie Powell within a year trying to prepare 524 meals according to recipes described in the book, Julia Child, "How to Master the Art of French Cuisine". All victories and defeats the girl described in the blog.


My Opinion:
This film - a piece of cake to gourmet. It gathers a variety of French recipes. After watching (and even during) you want to run to the plate and make something of Julia Child recipe!
The film does not remain indifferent to the fans to eat, as well as lovers of good, good movie!

Cruel Intentions

Sebastian knows the sweet taste of easy victories. In his hands - other people's secrets and keys to the forbidding of bedrooms. Catherine is tired of simple plots and banal admissions. Then the modern Casanova and bored beauty invent yourself a new game. In their cruel game lacks only the victim ...


 My Opinion:
Another film that shows how love can change a person. No matter how bad you have done, never too late to be corrected ...
Great movie. Causes a lot of emotions: positive, mixed.  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chalet Girl

Kim, a young shy English town, gets a job at the posh ski resort in the Alps. She was hard to get used to the new world of luxury, looseness and snow records. But soon Kim discovers a talent of downhill and snowboarding, it seems, falls in love with a handsome son of the owner of the resort, resting here with the girlfriend... Can Kim break into the World Cup snowboard a valuable prize for the winner? And like her to understand not full a "golden boy" to her head?


My opinion:
I think this is a very good film about love, friendship, strength of will. There is no philosophical argument, but nevertheless it could fit a lot! And of course there's Ed Westwick! He's so sexy:)

What We Look Today?

Hy everyone! My name is Kristina and I'm 14.
You know, it's situation, when you want to watch a movie, but your head is empty? With me it happens every time, especially in summer :) I think it happens with everyone!
That's why I decided to create this blog. I'll look for interesting films, then will write about them here.
Hope you'll like it!
Well, let's start!